“I was able to book 3 new meetings on my first campaign. This is super impressive”

Daniel J, Cold Email Agency Owner

Learn how to send cold emails and always land in the inbox

A book and video course that teaches you how to design your own icons from scratch.

I am a software developer for more than 10 years. Most of my life has gone by developing things for myself or my clients. But I was not doing marketing ever.

Learning how to send proper cold emails changed dramatically after I started my software agency.

But it turns out this isn’t how great icon designers work at all.

In “Ultimate Guide to Cold Emails”, you’ll learn how to start your agency journey without falling to pitfalls like many new marketers do.

By the end of the book, you’ll have all the confidence you need to dig in and start sending best cold emails, that can land you thousands of dollars worth new clients.

The best part, you don't need any prior knowledge!

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Table of contents

Get a look at all of the content covered in the book. Everything you need to know is inside.

"Ultimate Guide to Cold Emails" is the only ebook you will ever need to get started with cold emailing. You will learn how to start your cold email journey and get the most out of your cold emails.

  1. Getting started

  2. Fundamentals


Start your cold email journey


Everything you need to start cold emailing and always succeed

  • The 30-page ebook
  • Cold emailing checklist
  • 2 hours+ video content
  • %20 Discount on Nureply, forever
Get started

Some kind words from early customers...

I worked with a small group of early access customers to make sure all of the content in the book was exactly what they needed. Hears what they had to say about the finished product.


Onur Genes – Hey there, I’m the Founder of Nureply.

I have been developing software for more than 10 years and had 2 agencies running. I have owned a software agency and worked with 100s of clients, including Swiss Banks.

After sending MILLIONS of cold emails and landing many clients, I decided to share my secrets with people just starting.

Now I own a cold email SaaS called Nureply and helping agency owners to land more clients, everyday.

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